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NN1 Dev Club

NN1 Dev Club is a free meet-up for a local community of Northamptonshire-based software enthusiasts. A place to meet, collaborate and share knowledge with each other. From devs for devs!

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Who's behind it? #

Pawel Grzybek

Pawel Grzybek

Senior Software Engineer

I'm a software developer from Poland living in Northampton, UK. I'm a web standards, accessibility and performance enthusiast. Recently, I have enjoyed coding in Rust. After hours, I listen to funky records.

Darren Sharp

Darren Sharp

CEO at S-SA Digital

Darren the CEO of S-SA Digital Recruitment , With over 20 years under belt, he's been busy building tech teams all across the UK and Europe. As the CEO, he's all about making those perfect matches between top talent and forward-thinking tech companies. As Northampton based organization Darren is passionate about nurturing / championing local talent and helping folks reach their full potential.

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